Friday, April 26, 2019

Cockroaches Control

  • New Method of controlling cockroaches:
The cockroaches are now controlled by using a gel. We offer the best cockroach pest control services in Ahmedabad. Unlike in the past, it is not necessary to spray foul smelling insecticides which used to cause a mess in the house. There is no need to empty the drawers and cover-up the food. It is also not necessary to close the house and go away.
  • Method of Treatment:

Minute amounts of gel are applied in strategic but inconspicuous locations with the help of a syringe. The active ingredient in the gel is a new class molecule called the phenyl pyrazole. It has many advantages comparing to the other method of cockroach control.
  • How Gel Works:
Gel has an edible product especially attractive to cockroaches. Gel has cascading effect. Once some cockroaches have eaten the gel they also contaminate other cockroaches thus producing cascading effect throughout the population of cockroaches. This leads to quick eradication.

The gel has no smell. It can be safely applied to sensitive areas such as electrical control boxes, kitchen appliances, computers etc. On which insecticide cannot be sprayed.

About 80% of cockroaches die in about one week. The remaining cockroaches are effectively controlled by three weeks. It takes about ½ hour to treat a flat of about 750 Sq. Ft.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog! Are you looking for cockroach control services in Zirakpur? We provide cockroach control services at an affordable price. Our team uses chemical to remove the cockroach in house. We can ensure that the treatment is both effective and safe for you and your family We help you to get rid of harmful and non toxic cockroach in your areas.
